
21 Sep, 23

A simple game of cards, however cozy, will during its course bring out a primitive killer instinct in the gentlest of us.

To grease the wheels for this intriguing shift of moods, we have selected 52 of the many hundreds of photos that you have sent us over the years, and put them on playing cards. We asked the citizens of the Internet (you guys) to name your favorite card game. Here are your top three games to try out on your next adventure!

Hearts (learn Hearts instructional video)

Five Hundred (also known as Bid Euchre) (learn Five Hundred instructional video)

Idiot (also known as Palace) (learn Idiot instructional video)

And there you have it: The NEW Amok Deck of Cards. The ultimate accessory for die-hard hammock fans that takes pleasure in humiliating others in a game of cards. Or for those who never tire of looking at gorgeous Draumr photos.

NOTE: A FREE deck of cards will be included with all new Draumr orders. The Amok Deck of Cards can also be purchased separately from our web-shop.

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